Learn French in Lille with LiL'Langues

All our French courses and programs are based on the CECR levels. LiL’Langues offers French courses for 5 levels of progression, requiring 8 weeks of training. These levels follow the progression described by the Common Framework of Reference for Languages.

  • A1 (Complete beginner): start on specific dates
  • A2 (Elementary)
  • B1.1 (Intermediate 1)
  • B1.2 (Intermediate 2)
  • B2 (Advanced)
  • C1 (Confirmed): opens on request

Throughout the course, LiL’Langues follows and monitors your progress

Before the start of your French class, we send you a free written and oral placement test in order to put you in a group which corresponds to your level. Then, throughout your course, you will have evaluations through self-assessments and small weekly tests. At the end of your French course, you will receive a French level certificate.

You can officially validate your level of French by taking the TEF (Test d’Évaluation de Français) with us at LiL’Langues.