In accordance with the French calendar, the school will be closed :
In 2024, on the 01/04/2024, 01/05/2024, from 06/05/2024 to 12/05/2024, 20/05/2024, 15/08/2024, 05/11/2024, 11/11/2024.
The annual closure of the school will be:20/12/2024 to the 06/01/2025.
In 2025, LiL’Langues will be closed : 21/04/2025, 01/05/2025, 08/05/2025, 29 and 30/05/2025, 09/06/2025, 14/07/2025, 15/08/2025, 01/11/2025, 11/11/2025
The annual closure of the school will be :22/12/2025 to the 11/01/2026.
There will be no classes on these days.
An diesen Tagen werden keine Kurse durchgeführt.
Sonderkonditionen auf Nachweis für Au Pairs, Studenten, Sprachassistenten und Arbeitssuchende.